Emergent Church Spokane

Conversations about the Church and its role in a postmodern society.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The emergent Church has been a description for a new way of doing "church" in response to a more postmodern society. More than just a response to postmodernism, the emergent church movement is a response to cookie cutter Christianity that often just barely scratches the surface of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
What I hope will come about from this blog is conversation (that is what blogs are all about right?) about the culture of Spokane, how its changing, and how the Church is changing to continue to be (or perhaps start being) a passionate voice of faith, hope and love that speaks into the lives of the lost and hurting. The Church needs to be culturally relevant if it is to a vibrant force of change.

So my question to you what changes does the church have to make to impact a postmodern generation?

If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, what is it that turns you off to the Church? When you hear the word "church" or "christian" what first comes into your mind?


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Clay said...

You have a question. No body responding to your "conversation". That is one sided.

Grace, What is it in you that warranted God's Grace?

Well, after the long silence of no one listening to you or your conversation...

I don't belong to a church and the church doesn't belong to me, but you seem to think that the church needs to change to impact the postmodern generation as you put it. Casey why did God love you enough to die for you? Why did your sin need to be forgiven? Why do you think the church needs to change to impact the postmodern anything? God doesn't change and neither does evil it just masquerades as a new generation. I don't save anyone and I don't convert anyone. God does the impacting.

So I may be your only person to respond in years of waiting. I guess God has been patient with you also. If you can get over yourself and let God into your heart, then maybe you can see. So science loves to see first then it will believe, but with God you believe first, then you get to see. Open your eyes you are clinging to the end of the rope, you are slipping off, but he fall isn't far just far enough to smash your ego. So let go, Gods arms are waiting to catch you!!! He doesn't need you, you need Him.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger matt said...

I could not agree more with what Clay said. God remains the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Praying your heart is revealed to Gods true wonder and that this emergent church business will stop being Satans fraud amongst Christians.


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